
The Third

East-Central European Art Forum

Understanding 1989 in East-Central European Art. War vs. Revolution
14-15 June 2024

Free Admission

Collegium Novum,
Al. Niepodległości 4
Room C2

June 14, 2024 (Friday)

9.00 – 10.50 / Session 1
Revolution and War in Ukraine

9.00-9.15Magdalena Radomska, Opening
9.15-10.00Lesia Kulchynska, Limits of Witnessing, and the Role of Art During the Networked War
10.00-10.20Kinga Lendeczki, Tales of the Donbas – On the role of storytelling in constructing the cultural image of a region
10.20-10.50Marta Romankiv, I dreamt of Europe

10.50 – 11.10

Coffee break
11.10 – 11.40

11.40 – 13.25 / Session 2
War in Former Yugoslavia

11.40-12.25Bojana Pejić, Wartime Sexualized Geographies and After: Waiting for Willy Brandt
12.25-12.45Sanja Sekelj, Beyond the Disintegration Paradigm: The Moment of 1989 in Croatia and Yugoslavia
12.45-13.05Karla Tepež, The Political Potential of Art: Rethinking Art, Democracy and Community Practice in the (Post-)Yugoslav Context
13.05-13.25Iva Leković, Inconvenience of Repeating: Post-1989 Art (History) in Post-Yugoslav Context

13.25 – 13.45

Lunch Break
13.45 – 15.15

15.15 – 17.25 / Session 3
Revolution& War: Dialectical Approaches 

15.15-16.00Boris Buden, War vs. Revolution After 1989
16.00-16.20Lizaveta Stecko, – Research Platform on Belarusian Contemporary Art
16.20-16.40Jana Shostak, Surrealistic Reality. Nation Fluid Experience + Documentary Stand Up About (Still) Basic Needs of Rational Internationalism / Feminism in Art, Activism & Politics
16.40-17.25Jan Sowa, 1989: by the People, but against the People. On the Abject of Transformation

17.25 – 17.45

19.00 Exhibition Opening
Święty Marcin 51A

June 15, 2024 (Saturday)

9.00 – 11.15 / Session 4
War over Legacy of Socialism

9.00-9.45Boris Groys, Post-Socialist vs. Post-Modern Condition: Contested Legacy of the Avant-Garde
9.45-10.05Irina Botea Bucan, Understanding 1989 through the Institutional Model of Cultural Houses in Romania and the Figure of the Amateur
10.05-10.25Emily Finkelstein, On the Threshold: East German Public Art Platforms after East Germany
10.25-10.45Júliusz Huth, Hungarian Salon – The Crisis of Artists’ Associations and Debates around Salon-Type Exhibitions in Post-Socialist Hungary
10.45-11.15Caterina Preda, The Contrasting Meanings of 1989 in Political Art: between “the End of the World” and Liberation from the Communist Camp

11.15 – 11.35

Coffee break
11.35 – 11.50

11.50 – 14.20 / Session 5
War on Revolution: Copyrighs for Revolution

11.50-12.35Edit András, The Time of Art History and the “Personal Time” of the Art Historian
12.35-12.55Máté Csanda, Whose battle? And whose „Inner Truth“? And generally: who is speaking? The rumbling of the archives – Little Warsaw: The Battle of Inner Truth (2011)
12.55-13.15Cristina Stoenescu, Witnessing the Fall. The 1989 Romanian Revolution in Artistic Practices Today
13.15-13.35Valentina Bonizzi, Notes And Caldendars Of Albanian Art Histories
13.35-14.20Anna Markowska, Damp Guerilla Warfare and the Wet Revolution. A History of Political Transformation Shaped by the Aquatic Imaginarium

14.20 – 14.40

Lunch Break
14.40 – 15.45

15.45 – 16.55 / Session 6
Class War

15.45-16.15Magdalena Radomska, Marx on 1989. Art and Class Struggle in Post-Communist Europe
16.15-16.35Kristóf Nagy, The Socialist Origins of the Post-Socialist Cultural Infrastructure: Cultural Economists and Late-Socialist Market Reforms
16.35-16.55Yunjing Pan, From Pretty Girls (1987) to Pretty Woman (1990): Images of Women at Work in the Transition from Late Socialism to Capitalist Hegemony

16.55 – 17.15

Exhibition Tour
GaMA (Municipal Gallery Arsenał) – In the Absence of the State. Luz María Sánchez

The conference will be held in English