Gabriela Świtek, Prof. Univ. Dr hab., head of Art Theory at the Institute of Art History, University of Warsaw (MPhil, University of Cambridge, 1996; Ph.D., University of Cambridge, 1999; habilitation, University of Warsaw, 2013). Her recent publications include The Ground and the Horizon: Interpretations of Modern Architecture and Art (2020; in Polish) and Art Playing with Architecture: Modern Affinities and Contemporary Integrations (2013; in Polish). From 2014–2018 she conducted the research project The History of Exhibitions in Zachęta — Central Bureau of Art Exhibitions 1949–1970, financed by the National Program for the Development of Humanities. She was an initiator and editor of the Zachęta’s Archive series on exhibition histories (six volumes published between 2014–2021, Zachęta – National Gallery of Art). Her current research includes cooperation on the project Socialist Exhibition Cultures: International Art Exhibitions in the Socialist World, 1950–1990
and completing a book on exhibition exchanges organized by the Warsaw Central Bureau of Art Exhibitions (1949–1989). Her published works include essays in the Ashgate Studies in Architecture Series, The Journal of Architecture, andMontreal Architectural Review. In 2006 she curated the exhibition Transfer in the Polish Pavilion for the 10th International Architecture Exhibition in Venice.