Emese Kürti is an art historian and researcher, based in Budapest. Since 2021 she has been a deputy director at the Central European Research Institute for Art History (KEMKI). Previously, she was a researcher of Artpool Art Research Center, a lecturer at the Central European University (CEU) and an art historian at Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art. She is a member of the Hungarian Section of AICA and the NEP4Dissent international research network. Her research focuses include transregional discourses of the neo-avant-garde in Eastern Europe and Yugoslavia, the concepts of minority and women’s positions in the experimental art (see Screaming Hole. Poetry, Sound and Action as Intermedia Practice in the Work of Katalin Ladik (2017). She holds a PhD in Film, Media and Cultural Theory from Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), and her dissertation was published by L’Harmattan, Budapest in 2018. Last book she co-edited with Zsuzsa László What Will Be Already Exists: Temporalities of Cold War Archives in East-Central Europe and Beyond was published by Transcript Verlag in 2021.