Pablo Santa Olalla is a postdoctoral researcher at the Instituto de História da Arte of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. He received his PhD in the programme ‘Societat i Cultura: Història, Antropologia, Art i Patrimoni’ [Society and Culture: History, Anthropology, Art and Heritage] at the Universitat de Barcelona with the thesis Conceptualismos en el espacio sud-atlántico: Redes de relaciones entre España y Latinoamérica, 1972-1982 [Conceptualisms in the South-Atlantic Space: Relational Networks between Spain and Latin America, 1972-1982] (2021, whose derivative monography is in the process of publication), which received an international mention and an extraordinary doctoral prize. Pablo has examined the transatlantic crossings of the artistic conceptualisms and experimentalisms of Latin America, Portugal and Spain, especially in relation to the complex matrix of socio-political and cultural tensions at the end of the Cold War. His latest publications, still in press, are the chapter “Ideología tecnocrática. Fobias y filias en la relación crítica entre arte, política y tecnología” [Technocratic Ideology. Phobias and philias in the critical relationship between art, politics and technology], for the volume Revolver el tiempo (Bellaterra, 2023); and “Comprender los medios de comunicación: las extensiones del Mail Art. Cómo los intercambios postales marcaron el campo artístico sud-atlántico en la década de 1970” [Understanding Media: The Extensions of Mail Art. How Postal Exchanges Shaped the South Atlantic Artistic Field in the 1970s], for the volume Redes transatlánticas: intelectuales latinoamericanxs en la Europa de la Guerra Fría (1945-1991) (Iberoamericana Vervuert, 2023).