Book Collection

After Professor Piotr Piotrowski passed away, his book collection was donated to the Adam Mickiewicz University. It comprises over 2000 volumes that reflect Piotrowski’s interests and research topics.

The library was moved respecting the order and thematic division decided by Piotrowski. Some books contain highlights and notes of the Owner. Several of them have dedications. Archival materials have also been found inside them, such as letters from authors or editors, and they have been included in the Piotr Piotrowski Archive.

On the one hand, we treat this book collection as part of Professor’s legacy, conserving its value as an archive. We are also trying to ensure that it contains all the publications written by Piotr Piotrowski. On the other hand, his book collection serves as a foundation to create a specialised thematic library of publications related to Piotrowski’s field of research: art of Central and Eastern Europe of the 20th and 21st century.

The Book Collection is stored in the History of Art Section of the library of the Faculty of History at the Adam Mickiewicz University. It can be accessed in the reading room of the History of Art Institute, during the library’s working hours (

Address: Collegium Novum UAM, Al. Niepodległości 4, Poznań, blok A, 4th floor, room 409

The book collection has been catalogued and its content can be viewed by the users.